

Futuregames bedriver YH-utbildningar samt fristående kurser inom områden som spel, tech, agil projektledning och hospitality.

Över 90 procent av våra examinerade studenter från yh-utbildningar jobbar idag i Sverige eller utomlands inom IT, webb, spel, projektledning och  mjukvarutestning

Skolans kontaktnät sträcker sig över flera hundra företag och inkluderar ett 50-tal yrkesverksamma lärare och föreläsare.

Futuregames utbildningar präglas av:

  • Learning by Doing. Learning by Reflection.
  • Agila utvecklingsmetoder. Hands on. No nonsense.
  • Yrkesverksamma föreläsare
  • Produktioner i skarpa projekt från rekryterande företag och organisationer
  • Personligt ledarskap, entreprenörskap och hållbar utveckling

Vi erbjuder utbildningsprogram och kurser i Stockholm, Umeå Boden, Skellefteå, Karlstad och Malmö.


Tel: +46(0)8 33 60 15

Reportage från Futuregames

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5 heta framtidsyrken

Att välja rätt yrkesutbildning kan kännas som något av en djungel. Är du osäker på vilken inriktning du ska sikta på – och vad som kommer att ge dig ett jobb? Låt oss hjälpa dig lite på traven med tips om fem verkliga framtidsyrken - från VR och UX till hållbar turism! Arctic Hospitality Leader Det här är framtidsyrket för dig som brinner för värdskap, entreprenörskap och framför allt – att jobba med människor ute i de vidsträckta landskapen. Turistnäringen i norra Norrland fortsätter att växa med ledord i tiden som ekoturism och naturturism. Den moderna besöksnäringen präglas av hållbarhet för människor, djur och natur. Dessa ledord genomsyrar hela ledet – från gästens första tanke på ett besök till uppföljningen efter avslutad affär. En Arctic Hospitality Leader lyfter fram det unika som norra Sverige har att erbjuda – för så väl lokala som internationella gäster. Experience Designer En Experience designer är lite förenklat en UX-designer med spelkompetens. Efterfrågan på den här yrkesrollen ökar starkt. Användarupplevelser, hållbara affärsmodeller och digital innovation är centrala begrepp i den utvecklingen. Experience designers är efterfrågade av organisationer, myndigheter och inom näringslivet – främst inom Data/IT, Telekom och digitala bolag. Agile Project Manager Gillar du planering, projektledning och processer med kundens mål som ledstjärna? Då kan Agile Project Manager vara framtidsyrket för dig eftersom efterfrågan på agilt ledarskap ökar starkt. Många förknippar agila metoder med IT-branschen och tech-världen, men de används även allt mer inom branscher som bank och finans, försäkring och tillverkningsföretag. Även myndigheter har börjat att använda sig av agila metoder i större skala. Enligt rapporten ”IT-kompetensbristen” behöver Sverige minst 4 600 ledare med agil kompetens på fyra års sikt. Frontend Developer Frontend Developer är yrket för dig som vill utveckla framtidens såväl som dagens hemsidor och appar. Dynamisk frontend-utveckling, apputveckling, mobile first, responsiv design och UX-design utvecklas i högt tempo –frontend utvecklare är ett av de verkliga framtidsjobben. De som utbildar sig inom det här möter en välkomnande arbetsmarknad. Jobbet som webbutvecklare har många fördelar såsom flexibilitet, bra löneutveckling, samt möjlighet att arbeta med många spännande branscher i både Sverige och internationellt. Immersive Experience Creator Framtidens arbetsplats finns i metaverse – var med och skapa den! En Immersive Experience creator tar fram det estetiska innehållet för VR, AR, AI som inkluderar video, grafik, bild och ljud. Du behöver även uppskatta att pitcha idéer, skapa visuella presentationer samt genomföra kundmöten och workshops.  Den här yrkesrollen är under stark frammarsch och behovet finns inte bara inom IT, utan i både stora och små organisationer inom såväl offentlig som privat verksamhet. Det kan handla om projektledning och innehållsskapande eller att hitta helt nya former för möten och workshops. Förutom Immersive experience creator kan din framtida yrkestitel också vara VR/AR director, Immersive scriptwriter eller varför inte Immersive designer? På Changemaker Educations utvecklar vi utbildningar i nära samarbete med arbetsmarknaden och identifierar de yrkesroller som är mest eftertraktade just nu. Läs mer om höstens alla utbildningar här.
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AR, VR, XR, MR – “All industries can use immersive storytelling!”

Alexi Bergh Betancor is one of many Futuregames alumni who have found an exciting role in their professional life. We spoke to Alexi about his role at Volumental and what the Immersive Experience Creator education has meant to him. Volumental is a company that produces shoe recommendations by using a combination of 3D foot scans, retail purchase data, and AI. Alexi works as a Junior Interaction Designer. – The starting point is that the shoe industry wants to reduce returns. At Volumental we believe that everyone is one-of-a-kind and should have an easy and enjoyable way to find the perfect fit. Our FitTech solutions remove the guesswork from sizing for both shoppers and retailers. I thought it was very interesting to combine this new digital technology with the fashion and retail industry. Since I have worked with shoes, I knew how complicated the process is to find the right size, with new models in different sizes from different brands – it’s really difficult. – With our app, you can scan your feet using your phone and we use AR in the experience so there was a connection to the education. The IEC education has a lot of focus on the ideation stage – how do we develop the prototype and test this? The problem was “how do we get a person who doesn’t know what this is to hold the camera in the right way?” And then I could create the prototypes needed for testing in Unity, which we used a lot during the education. What has the Immersive Experience Creator education meant? – The education has given me a broad understanding of this technology that is emerging. But also, an understanding of how difficult it is for the average person to understand and use this new technology. AR and VR are still seen as futuristic, and the concepts are still abstract for many. “You become a generalist” – A great thing about the Immersive Experience Creator education is that you get to try many different things – you become a generalist. With the help of the education, I could tie together my previous experiences in sales and customer contact with this technology. The entire spectrum of education, from learning Unity – but also learning how to pitch, what storytelling is, how to work with sound, with 360 film – has been very important to learn about all these parts. If I hadn’t done that, I would have had a very difficult time understanding everything about my new role. Even though I don’t code now, I still need to understand what those who do are doing. I simply wouldn’t have ended up here without the IEC education. What does the future hold for this field? – Generalists will be very important at this early stage. Those who have a broader understanding of how everything is connected will be needed to tie everything together. You must know a little bit of everything to convey what you want. – This education has something for anyone interested in this new technology, regardless of their background. Having an interest in technology is a plus, but you don’t necessarily need to have worked with something similar before. All industries can use immersive storytelling! More information about how you can apply to the Immersive Experience Creator education!

Futuregames Animator and VFX Artist



As an animator and VFX artist, you'll be in charge of crafting movements and visual effects for both two and three-dimensional graphics. Your skill set will encompass planning and executing animation projects from concept to the final product. VFX, short for 'visual effects,' has its roots primarily in the film industry, but modern VFX extends its reach to a broader industry dealing with 'special effects.' This encompasses everything from CGI (computer-generated graphics) and compositing (image processing) to motion capture (computer-processed motion recordings) and the various essential tools and software required for their creation. Typically, you'll specialize in one of these areas.

This education primarily paves the way to various employment opportunities, and it's worth noting that numerous animators and VFX artists are often self-employed. The demand for professionals in this field is substantial and can be observed across various sectors, including industry, film, television, advertising, and notably, the gaming industry in Sweden.

The animation and VFX industry, particularly within Sweden, boasts strong ties to the gaming sector. On one hand, many game companies in Sweden employ experts who focus solely on animation and VFX, while, on the other hand, animation and VFX companies frequently engage in collaborative efforts with game companies in various capacities.

As part of this education, you will embark on LIA (Lärande i Arbete), commonly known as an internship. This hands-on internship component plays a vital role in enhancing your learning and equipping you with the practical work experience needed to shape the VFX experiences of today and tomorrow.

Påbörjad (2024-08-01)
YH poäng
550 YH-poäng (ca. 2.8 år)
Ansökan är stängd
Kontakta skolan vid intresse
Kultur, media, design
Data & IT
Teknik & tillverkning

Futuregames Speldesigner - Stockholm



Turn Your Love for Games into Your Dream Profession!
No matter if your passion lies in level design, gameplay design, system design, scripting, narrative design, quality assurance, or game production management, this program will equip you with the skills and hands-on experience needed to break into the industry with credibility.

In the new version of these educations, students will pick between one of two possible areas of specialization in the fourth semester of their education allowing them to prepare even better for their 30 weeks of internship (LIA). New courses have been designed to support these specialized roles and each class will divide into two groups to accommodate this. There is still plenty of scope in the education for you to develop your own individual talent and professional skills but by dividing the class we will be able to even better support you in your future career.

In the new version of these educations, students will pick between one of two possible areas of specialization in the fourth semester of their education allowing them to prepare even better for their 30 weeks of internship (LIA). New courses have been designed to support these specialized roles and each class will divide into two groups to accommodate this. There is still plenty of scope in the education for you to develop your own individual talent and professional skills but by dividing the class we will be able to even better support you in your future career.

As part of our program, you'll embark on LIA (Lärande i Arbete), commonly known as an internship. This hands-on internship component plays a vital role in enhancing your learning and equipping you with the practical work experience needed to shape the VFX experiences of today and tomorrow.

Beyond honing your skills, your internship also opens doors to expanding your professional network, forging valuable relationships with potential future employers during your education.

Examples of titles and professional roles for you after graduation include:

  • Game Designer
  • Level Designer
  • Gameplay Designer
  • Narrative Design
  • Technical Designer
Påbörjad (2024-08-01)
YH poäng
550 YH-poäng (ca. 2.8 år)
Ansökan är stängd
Kontakta skolan vid intresse
Data & IT
Kultur, media, design

Futuregames Spelprogrammerare - Malmö



Dive into a world of hands-on game art development. With this program, you'll gain practical experience that not only sets you on the path to industry recognition but also fuels your passion for character art, environment art, special effects, UI, or animation. No matter where your dedication lies within these realms, this program will spark your creativity and drive you towards achieving your aspirations."

At Futuregames, we continually strive to tailor our courses to meet the evolving requirements of the dynamic games industry. It's evident to everyone that the field of game development is becoming increasingly specialized. That's why we're excited to announce an updated format for our Game Artist, Game Designer, and Game Programmer programs, which includes an additional six months of specialized training. We are pleased to introduce the Game Artist Specialization program, now available in Malmö.

In the new version of these educations, students will pick between one of two possible areas of specialization in the fourth semester of their education allowing them to prepare even better for their 30 weeks of internship (LIA). New courses have been designed to support these specialized roles and each class will divide into two groups to accommodate this. There is still plenty of scope in the education for you to develop your own individual talent and professional skills but by dividing the class we will be able to even better support you in your future career. 

30 WEEKS OF INTERNSHIP(LIA)As part of our program, you'll embark on LIA (Lärande i Arbete), commonly known as an internship. This hands-on internship component plays a vital role in enhancing your learning and equipping you with the practical work experience needed to shape the game experiences of today and tomorrow.

Beyond honing your skills, your internship also opens doors to expanding your professional network, forging valuable relationships with potential future employers during your education.

Examples of titles and professional roles for you after graduation include:

  • Game Programmer
  • Tools Programmer
  • Game Engine Programmer
  • AI Programmer
  • Game System Designer
Påbörjad (2024-08-01)
YH poäng
550 YH-poäng (ca. 2.8 år)
Ansökan är stängd
Kontakta skolan vid intresse
Data & IT
Kultur, media, design
Teknik & tillverkning
Malmö kommun

Futuregames Spelprogrammerare - Stockholm



Join our game programming education led by dedicated instructors and alongside creative classmates. Whether your passion lies in gameplay functionality, physics, AI, or game development tools, this program will equip you with the skills and hands-on development experience needed to establish credibility within the video game programming industry.

At Futuregames, we continually strive to tailor our courses to meet the evolving requirements of the dynamic games industry. It's evident to everyone that the field of game development is becoming increasingly specialized. That's why we're excited to announce an updated format for our Game Artist, Game Designer, and Game Programmer programs, which includes an additional six months of specialized training.

In the new version of these educations, students will pick between one of two possible areas of specialization in the fourth semester of their education allowing them to prepare even better for their 30 weeks of internship (LIA). New courses have been designed to support these specialized roles and each class will divide into two groups to accommodate this. There is still plenty of scope in the education for you to develop your own individual talent and professional skills but by dividing the class we will be able to even better support you in your future career. The Game Programmer Specialization is located in Stockholm, Malmö, Skellefteå and Boden.

As part of our program, you'll embark on LIA (Lärande i Arbete), commonly known as an internship. This hands-on internship component plays a vital role in enhancing your learning and equipping you with the practical work experience needed to shape the VFX experiences of today and tomorrow.

Examples of titles and professional roles for you after graduation include:

- Gameplay Programmer
- Tools Programmer
- AI Programmer

Påbörjad (2024-08-01)
YH poäng
550 YH-poäng (ca. 2.8 år)
Ansökan är stängd
Kontakta skolan vid intresse
Data & IT
Kultur, media, design

Agile Project Manager


Det nya näringslivet behöver nya ledare!

Vill du ta nästa steg i ditt ledarskap? Näringslivet söker ledare som är redo att kliva upp till nästa nivå. Genom denna utbildning kommer du att utvecklas och få verktygen för att hantera utveckling, förändring och affärsmässighet!

  • Studera i Stockholm
  • 1,5 år (3 terminer)
  • 15 veckor LIA (lärande i arbete)

Agila metoder & ledarskap

Utbildningen ger dig en solid kompetensgrund inom agila metoder och planbaserad projektledning. Du lär dig att leda projekt, team och utveckling. Dessutom får du förmågan att leda workshops, både digitalt och fysiskt. Du blir den som driver processerna på din framtida arbetsplats! Under utbildningen arbetar du kontinuerligt i team med relevanta case, där deltagarna turas om att vara ledare för teamet. Många av våra studenter har tidigare erfarenhet från arbetslivet, ofta i ledande befattningar, och tar med sig dessa erfarenheter för att utvecklas i sitt ledarskap.

Stark efterfrågan på Agil kompetens

Efterfrågan på flexibelt och modernt ledarskap på en föränderlig arbetsmarknad växer ständigt. Den här utbildningen möter arbetslivets rekryteringsbehov och ger den kompetensprofil du behöver för att utvecklas i en spännande och dynamisk ledarroll. Våra föreläsare är några av sina branschers mest kunniga inom agil metodik, SCRUM, affärsutveckling, ledarskap och projektmodeller. 

LIA (lärande i arbete) hos ledande branschföretag

Som en del av utbildningen gör du praktik – LIA (Lärande i arbete). LIA:n fördjupar ditt lärande och du får värdefulla arbetserfarenheter. Vi samarbetar med en rad ledande företag i olika branscher.

Vad arbetar du som efter utbildningen?

Yrkesrollen är under stark frammarsch och behövs inte bara inom IT, utan även hos andra branscher och inom offentlig verksamhet. Exempel på titlar och yrkesroller för dig efter examen är;

  • Agile Project Manager
  • Agile Project Leader
  • Agile Coach
  • Scrum Master
  • Process Leader
  • Team Lead
  • QA Tester
Påbörjad (2024-09-01)
YH poäng
300 YH-poäng (ca. 1.5 år)
Ansökan är stängd
Kontakta skolan vid intresse
Data & IT
Ekonomi, admin, sälj